The International Church Fellowship is a cooperative fellowship based upon mutual agreements voluntarily entered into by its membership, and is known as an association of fellowship of churches, missions, ministries and credentialed ministers.  We are Spirit-baptized saints from local Pentecostal fellowships of like precious faith throughout the United States and abroad.

  • Mutual Agreements:

    The fellowship operates on the basis of mutual agreements voluntarily embraced by its diverse membership, creating a foundation of shared values and principles.

  • Unity of the Spirit:

    We actively pursue the biblical mandate to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, guided by the verse, “till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13).

  • Association of Fellowship:

    Recognized as an association of fellowship, we unite local Pentecostal entities of like precious faith, creating a network that transcends geographical boundaries.

  • Worship:

    Encouraging scriptural worship practices that honor the diversity of local fellowships while maintaining a shared reverence for the presence of the Holy Spirit.

  • Purpose and Approach:

    Our purpose is intricately tied to upholding the scriptural and local rights and privileges of individual fellowships. The International Church Fellowship is not designed to usurp authority but, instead, to acknowledge and champion scriptural methods and order in worship, unity, fellowship, work, and business for the glory of God.

  • Fellowship:

    Facilitating meaningful interactions and collaborations among churches, missions, ministries, and credentialed ministers to strengthen the bonds of fellowship.